Wednesday, 3 October 2012

So this week we had the exhibition that allowed us show off our finished Constantiner sketch books(My personal sketchbook photos will be below), Fine art sculptures and any other introductory work, The exhibition was filled with the "ooo's" and "arr's" of the students parents and relatives, along with the heavy sighs of relief from the students themselves. The completed sketch books contained many ventures and attempts of encapsulating the theme of "past,present & future", Creating a full and impressive collection of work.

My personal sketch book contained an eclectic mix of the lessons I had the pleasure of experiencing, from Art History too 3D- Design and Drawing. The project was a chance of expression and a way of personally showing the knowledge I have gained over the previous 3 weeks.

The photos bellow show you various angles off the sketchbook and various shots of my work. Thank you for taking the time to read the blog and experiencing the progress I have made.


Tuesday, 2 October 2012

These are just a quick look at the ideas we've been attempting to learn and incorporate into our own individual styles, These chalk and pencil drawings are pieces from out Drawing lessons with Nolan. Apart from the obvious shapes we have used, the ideas also incorporate many themes such as negative space, shade and tone and the use of our utilities and equipment. There's not much else to say, just a quick update that allows you an extra incite too the work we are creating and the knowledge we ART gaining, Thank you, Ashley